Australian Social Media Ban for Under-16s Passes in Senate

Last month, the government in Australia passed a bill that will ban under-16s in the country from accessing social media platforms. It’s the first law of its kind in the world, and the Australian social media ban could have far-reaching implications for digital industries and businesses.

Let’s take a look at the Australian social media ban in more detail, discuss what has led to this decision and what it means for the future. Read on to learn more.

The Background of the Ban

Earlier this year, we covered a summit held in New South Wales, Australia. This event attracted a wide range of politicians, policymakers and digital experts to discuss the risks posed by social media to young people and potential steps that could be taken to minimise harm.

The two-day summit played host to lots of discussion and heated debate, with everything from cyber-bullying to disinformation on the table. However, it was the calls for a social media ban for under-16s that made headlines.

While many may have assumed such a blanket ban was an unrealistic proposition, it’s now set to come into force, with the bill passing in the Australian senate by 34 votes to 19.

Why Ban Social Media?

Social media has transformed the way we live our lives. It’s made it easier than ever to connect with friends and family, and today’s digital platforms have become indispensable tools for businesses around the world. Why then, would policymakers be looking to implement an Australian social media ban for under-16s?

Research has revealed that huge numbers of children use social media, despite the majority of these platforms having age restrictions. On these platforms, children can be exposed to potentially harmful content, and it can be difficult for parents to monitor what they see. In addition, research has revealed that overuse of social media can have a detrimental effect on children’s mental health.

It’s for these reasons that the Australian social media ban is coming into effect. Experts believe it’s the best way to protect young people from the potential risks these digital platforms can pose.

How Will the Ban Work?

The key questions when it comes to the Australian social media ban is – how will the ban actually work in practice. Exact details remain scarce, but it’s believed that the responsibility for enforcing the new rules will be put on the shoulders of the social media companies, not parents or guardians.

Most of the major social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, already have age restrictions in place. However, none of these are as high as 16, and these companies have been criticised for failing to implement their own rules. With the threat of serious punitive action, this new ban means social media companies will have to beef up this enforcement.

What Next?

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and in recent times we’ve seen the protection of young internet users become a top priority. This is the driving force behind the Australian social media ban, and we’re likely to see similar laws rolled out worldwide. For social media companies and other digital businesses, partnering with an effective age verification solution provider is the best way to remain compliant in a rapidly changing digital ecosystem.

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